Emili Guitiérrez Obrador Moviments – 1

Contemporary Dance Workshop with Emili Gutiérrez

Tools & Materials

Anatomical movement, improvisation & “partnering”

The dancer, creator and teacher Emili Gutiérrez proposes a workshop on November 19th where he will share his wide professional experience through movement sequences, tools, improvisation guidelines and partnering materials. 

Emili Gutiérrez

Choreographer, professor in contemporary dance technique and improvisation, artist and creator in performing arts. 

Graduated in the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona, 1994 (department of Contemporary Dance), he collaborates with: Metros, Lanónima, Imperial, Avelina Argüelles, Tandem, NatsNus, Mudances, Color Lapsus, Doctor Alonso, Sol Picó, Thomas Noone and others.

As a creator, founds Proyecte Gallina, contemporary dance company, where as artistic director and choreographer creates various works in the period of 1998 and 2004. (Cinco dedos de una mano sorda, Sota pell, Tanca, Zero). 

For his creation he recieves first price of Ricard Moragas, second price of the VIII Certamen Coreogràfico of Madrid, third price of the X Certamen Coreogràfico of Madrid and first price in Marburg (Germany).

As a teacher and mentor gives classes and workshops in: Ámsterdam, Barcelona, Córdoba, Cran Gevrier, Granada, Hong Kong, Ipwitch, Lérida, Málaga, Mallorca, París, Rosario, Saar Louis, Sabadell, Sao Paulo, Sant Cugat, Sven Vincena, Valencia, Velika Gorica, Zagreb…

In the present time, he works as a professor and directs the Department of Contemporary Dance in the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona.

  • Saturday 29/10/22
  • From 10:00h to 14:00h
  • Price: 60€
  • Price Obrador Students: 50€


Registrations and more information: info@obradordemoviments.com

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